Adafruit "My Little Hacker" ESP32-S2 Development Board

Product ID: 5742


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This board is great for designing an audio player that also has WiFi support! The ESP32-S2 module has WiFi and 4 MB flash, 2 MB PSRAM - we pair it with a microSD card that can hold any length audio files and an I2S amplifier that can drive up to 3 Watt 4 or 8 ohm speakers.

  • Five NeoPixels spangle this PCB for full color lighting effects.
  • There's a USB Type C socket for debugging and programming.
  • The onboard power supply will boost from 2 x AA batteries or switch over to the USB C when that's connected.
  • A Stemma QT port will allow quick connection of any of hundreds of sensors, displays, drivers, etc that have I2C for easy extensibility

Play video: #NewProds 7/5/23 Feat. Adafruit Sensirion SHT41 Temperature & Humidity Sensor - STEMMA QT /Qwiic!