CircuitPython 7 Poster

Product ID: 5067


Can you believe CircuitPython is now in its seventh iteration? That's right! Join us, Blinka, and the MicroPython mascot as we clicky-clacky and build upon the coding future for all makers. 

Feature-wise, this stable latest release adds camera support, configurable USB / HID descriptors, and catches up to MicroPython's stable releases so the underlying language has all the latest bug fixes.

We sometimes look to the past for inspiration, so we're celebrating this new release in "software box art" style here. You may remember when software came in a box - now with download-only, you probably miss the shrink-wrap, the CD-ROMs, and even the cool release posters you'd sometimes snag.

And since you're a CircuitPython fan (right?) we wanted to give you a lovely poster you can use to hang up in your python den. We already have the Blinka, the friendliest coding snake, on a stickeran enamel pin, and a temporary tattoo. And now she's on a brand new, lovely, glossy poster that will look stunning in your workspace or bedroom! She will provide the nicest moral support in your darkest coding (writer's) block.

Play video: New Products 10/6/21 feat. Adafruit VL53L1X Time of Flight Distance Sensor- ~30 to 4000mm-STEMMA QT!

Play video: New Products 06/02/21 feat. Raspberry Pi RP2040 Microcontroller - Single Surface Mount Chip!

Technical Details

  • 24" x 18" / ~610 x 457mm