Makedo Cardboard Construction Mini-Kit - 6 Scrus and Mini-Tool

Product ID: 4476
We still have the Makedo Scru Add-On Pack!


Looking for something for the little engineer in your life? The Makedo Cardboard Construction Mini-Kit is a perfect complement to the Makedo Toolkit – a great introduction to the land of Makedo. Enter into the world of playful cardboard construction and build small creations with these reusable parts. Rocket ships, cars, dinosaurs, a knight in cardboard armor – build whatever you can imagine with these handy little tools.

Start off by grabbing a base Makedo Toolkit. Then, add these re-usable plastic screws to expand your possibilities. Simply punch a hole through the material using the bonus "mini-tool," insert the a "scru" into the socket on the mini-tool, and then with a few quick turns the cardboard will be securely joined. Grab some cardboard and get making!

These are left over from an older ADABOX, once they're gone they're gone! We also stock an add-on pack for bigger projects

Kit includes:

  • 4 x "Scru"
  • 2 x "Scru XL"
  • Bonus mini-tool!

Play video: Makedo Cardboard Construction short clip

Play video: How To Join Cardboard

Play video: New Products 1/15/2020 Featuring #Adafruit LSM6DS33 #6-DoF #Accel + #Gyro IMU - #STEMMAQT / #Qwiic!

Technical Details

  • "Scru" dimensions: 19mm x 18mm x 18mm
  • "Scru" weight: 1.3g
  • "Scru XL" dimensions: 26.5mm x 18mm x 18mm
  • "Scru XL" weight: 1.6g
RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant
RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant