Plastic Button Caps For Square Top (10-pack) - 8mm Diameter

Product ID: 4228


These Reese's Piece's lookin' bits fit perfectly on top of tactile buttons with 2.4mm square tops and give a satisfying 8mm diameter surface area for your fingers to press.

You get 10 candy-colored round caps. You get two of each color: red, yellow, white, gray, and Adafruit black. Snap these onto a tactile switch body (not included) to customize your PyGamer, or anything else with 2.4mm-square-top tactile switches.

Play video: New Products 5/22/19 Featuring Adafruit PyGamer! #adafruit


Technical Details


Fits in your pocket, is fully Open Source, and can run CircuitPython, MakeCode Arcade or Arduino games you write yourself!
3D Print Case for the Adafruit PyGamer
Help Lynn the Trash Panda reach her goal of ascending to the top of the UBS building! Code in MakeCode Arcade and play on PyGamer or PyBadge.
A pocket-sized thermal imager powered by CircuitPython!
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