Set of Header Pins for MicroPython pyboard

Product ID: 3499


This set of high quality machined header pins can be soldered onto the MicroPython pyboard (all versions), and mate perfectly with both the LCD and Audio modules, as well as the Protoskins. The black pins are used for the standard I/O ports and the 4-way GND rail, and the white pins are used for the 4-way V+ rail and the additional, inner I/O ports. The header pins are female and are compatible with standard 0.65mm square male pins.

In this set are 8 headers with 56 total positions:

  • 2 of black 16-way (equivalent to Preci-Dip 801-87-016-10-001101)
  • 3 of black 4-way (equivalent to Preci-Dip 801-87-004-10-001101)
  • 3 of white 4-way

pyboard not included, but you can pick one up here to get started with the official MicroPython hardware and support the MicroPython project.

Play video: New Products 5/24/2017

Technical Details

If you have any queries, please email [email protected]