Heat Shrink Pack

Product ID: 344
Qty Discount
1-9 $4.95
10-99 $4.46
100+ $3.96


Heat shrink is the duct tape of electronics, it keeps your stuff all safe and kept together. Especially when wiring and soldering, use heat shrink to add mechanical strength to cables. We use this stuff all the time and having a zip-lock bag of all the possible sizes is super handy.

  • Pack contains four 6" pieces of the following sizes: 3/32", 1/8", 3/16", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2"
  • 2:1 shrink ratio
  • High-grade flexible polyolefin material
  • UL approved

Technical Details

RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant


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