Spudger - Double Sided Prying Tool

Product ID: 3434
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1-9 $5.50
10-99 $4.95
100+ $4.40


Is there something missing from your tool kit or workstation? Are you having trouble figuring out which elusive tool it is that you're lacking? Perhaps it's a spudger! "A what?" A s-p-u-d-g-e-r! It's a prying tool that has a wide flat-head screwdriver-like end that extends as a wedge, used to separate pressure-fit plastic components without causing damage during separation.

Basically, this is the thing you should be using instead of a screwdriver, or your keys, or a knife, or whatever you have lying around.

They're commonly used to open up slim electronics, for example replacing broken cell phone screens. One of the ends is slightly pointed, so when applied to separate pressure-fit panels it helps to create an initial gap before the wedge end is utilized. This is really a very very nice tool, once you have it, you'll use it all the time for poking, prodding, prying, etc.


  • Double-edged spudger / prying repair tool
  • Good for opening a wide range of devices, with minimal damage
  • Nice knurled handle for a good grip
  • Nickle-plated steel, very slick and strong!
  • Pointed prying end for better access to small gaps
  • Flat head prying end for wedging gaps open

Play video: New Products 5/24/2017

Technical Details

  • Length: 175mm
  • Diameter: 5mm
  • Weight: 18.5g


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