Teensy 3.5 without headers
The awesome new Teensy 3.5 is a small, breadboard-friendly development board designed by Paul Stoffregen and PJRC. Teensy 3.5 brings a low-cost 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 platform to hobbyists, students and engineers, using an adapted version of the Arduino IDE (Teensyduino) or programming directly in C language. Teensy 3.5 is an upgrade over 3.2, for when you need even more power!
Version 3.5 features a 32 bit 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor with floating point unit. All digital pins are 5 volt tolerant. The unique specs for the 3.5 are:
- 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with Floating Point Unit
- 512K Flash, 256K RAM, 4K EEPROM
- Microcontroller Chip MK64FX512VMD12 (PDF link)
- 1 CAN Bus Port
- 16 General Purpose DMA Channels
- 5 Volt Tolerance On All Digital I/O Pins
The latest in the line of very powerful, USB-capable microcontrollers, the Teensy 3.5 and 3.6 development boards are faster, more capable, and bigger, putting even more pins on a solderless breadboard. Teensy 3.5 offers a little bit less in its features (MCU, RAM, Flash, clock and some peripherals) which makes it slightly cheaper than Teensy 3.6. Teensy 3.5 has 5V tolerance on all digital I/O pins. Only Teensy 3.6 has a USB High Speed (480 Mbit/sec) port accessed using 5 pins on the board.
Please note: Teensy 3 boards are not official Arduino-brand products. Although the Teensyduino IDE has been adapted so that many Arduino projects will work with the Teensy, there will still be a lot of libraries and shields that may not work with this device! If you're new to microcontrollers, we suggest going with a classic Arduino UNO since all Arduino projects, examples and libraries will work with it.
More Specifications, Details & Features:
- 62 I/O Pins (42 breadboard friendly)
- 25 Analog Inputs to 2 ADCs with 13 bits resolution
- 2 Analog Outputs (DACs) with 12 bit resolution
- 20 PWM Outputs (Teensy 3.6 has 22 PWM)
- USB Full Speed (12 Mbit/sec) Port
- Ethernet mac, capable of full 100 Mbit/sec speed
- Native (4 bit SDIO) micro SD card port
- I2S Audio Port, 4 Channel Digital Audio Input & Output
- 14 Hardware Timers
- Cryptographic Acceleration Unit
- Random Number Generator
- CRC Computation Unit
- 6 Serial Ports (2 with FIFO & Fast Baud Rates)
- 3 SPI Ports (1 with FIFO)
- 3 I2C Ports (Teensy 3.6 has a 4th I2C port)
- Real Time Clock
Information, documentation and specs are on the Teensy site. Please check it out for more details!
Technical Details
- For product support for Teensy products, please visit the PJRC forum.
Product Dimensions: 62.3mm x 18.0mm x 4.2mm / 2.5" x 0.7" x 0.2"
Product Weight: 4.8g / 0.2oz
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