Pimoroni Enviro pHAT for Raspberry Pi Zero

Product ID: 3194


Ideal for monitoring conditions in your house, garage, and more, the Pimoroni Enviro pHAT packs 4 different sensors, letting you measure temperature, pressure, light level, color, 3-axis motion, compass heading, and analog inputs. That's up to 10 different variables!

Snap it on top of a Raspberry Pi Zero (or really, any Raspberry Pi with a 2x20 connector) for a comprehensive environment-sensing pHAT powered directly from the Pi. Set up a web server with Flask and remotely monitor everything from anywhere.

As with other pHATs, it works with all of the 40-pin Raspberry Pi variants - 3/2/B+/A+/Zero - but using it with the Pi Zero makes for a super-tiny package.

Combining the Enviro pHAT with other Pimoroni HATs and pHATs gives almost endless possibilities: display sensor values on Unicorn pHAT, use the Display-O-Tron HAT to display sensor data, display a graph of values with the Scroll pHAT, and much, much more.

Check out Pimoroni's comprehensive Python library to make using the Enviro pHAT really simple.


  • BMP280 temperature/pressure sensor 
  • TCS3472 light and RBG color sensor
  • Two LEDs for illumination
  • LSM303D accelerometer/magnetometer sensor
  • ADS1015 4-channel 3.3v, analog to digital sensor (ADC)

Kit Includes: Assembled Enviro pHAT PCB, 2x20 0.1" female GPIO header, & male header for ADC pins. Some light soldering is required to attach the header on, or you can of course solder the pHAT right onto the Pi Zero.

Play video: New Products 8/10/2016

Technical Details

For product support, replacement parts and warranty for Pimoroni products visit the Pimoroni forum or contact Pimoroni directly.

Product Dimensions: 65.0mm x 30.0mm x 2.6mm / 2.6" x 1.2" x 0.1"

Product Weight: 6.8g / 0.2oz