OctoPrint Parts Pack

Product ID: 2896


This OctoPrint parts pack is everything you need to start using OctoPrint software with your 3D printer! OctoPrint lets you connect to your printer through a device like a Raspberry Pi and control your print job with basic functions like starting, stopping, and pausing.  It will also allow you to remotely move the print head along all axes or creat custom controls.  Finally, with OctoPrint you'll also gain the ability to receive constant feedback from your printer so you know the status of your printjob - a great addition for those who can't wait for their new 3D printed gadget.  You also have the option to use a USB Webcam or Raspberry Pi Camera Module (not included) to monitor your 3D printer or your print jobs.

The OctoPrint parts pack is a very neat, very easy way to set up your printer for wireless control and capability.  There's a bunch more information on the OctoPrint site including details on how to set up your OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi and some frequently asked questions.  

Play video: New Products 12/30/2015

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Technical Details

This pack contains:

Revision History: 

  • As of July 16, 2018 this pack now comes with a 2.5A power supply instead of 2.4A.


Use OctoPrint on the M3D Printer