Mini 2-Axis Analog Thumbstick

Product ID: 2765
Qty Discount
1-9 $2.50
10-99 $2.25
100+ $2.00


Sometimes a simple analog control device can be the perfect tactile solution for your project, but they can be surprisingly hard to come by. Luckily we've got a low-cost, quality Mini 2-Axis Analog Thumbstick to fulfill your directional analog input needs!

This is a small joystick with a black rocker cap, similar to the PSP joysticks. The joystick is a 'self-centering' analog-type. It is comprised of two 10KΩ potentiometers, one for up / down and another for left / right.

You can solder the potentiometer pins onto a custom breakout board if you so choose. We also offer our own Analog Mini Thumbstick PCB which will pair great with this little guy.

When fully assembled and functioning, the voltage will follow the motion of the thumbstick as it is moved around. When you release the thumbstick it will center itself. Great for robotics and other control interfaces!

Note: Breakout PCB is not included.

Play video: JP’s Product Pick of the Week 11/8/22 Analog Mini Thumbstick & Breakout @adafruit @johnedgarpark

Play video: Hidden Potentiometers - Collin’s Lab Notes #adafruit #collinslabnotes

Play video: New Products 8/31/2016


Technical Details


The world's most esoteric Pi accessory?
Learn how to control analog, or continuous voltage, values with CircuitPython!