PhoBot - Robotics Shield for Photon

Product ID: 2653


Get your Particle (formally known as Spark) Photon moving with a PhoBot Robotics shield. No, this is not a robot that makes you a delicious bowl of Vietnamese soup.  Instead, it's a board from Simon Monk that's kind of like a Motorshield for your Spark Core or Particle Photon that makes controlling small robots easy!

The board features bi-directional motor control using a TB6612 dual H-bridge, so it can control one stepper motor or two brushed DC motors with 4.5-13VDC power and about 1A current draw per motor. There's also two open drain 2A MOSFET outputs for things like solenoids or large LEDs. There's a socket for a HC-SR04 sonar sensor, and a socket breakout available to use with 5V i2c interface sensors. The board provides 5V regulated power to Photon or Core with a max input voltage of 12V.

There's an accompanying C library here to help you get your PhoBot up and running and SparkCore or Photon controlling robots!

Play video: New Products 7/29/2015

Note: This product is just the PhoBot.  This product does not contain the Photon.

Technical Details

For additional product support, check out SeeedStudio's How to Help Yourself page and/or the forum, the base of their Technical Support Team. They prefer to share their technical support at the Forum in order to share all knowledge with the whole community, but you may also email them at [email protected]

Product Dimensions: 51.0mm x 51.0mm x 12.0mm / 2.0" x 2.0" x 0.5"

Product Weight: 15.0g / 0.5oz