PLA/PHA bambooFill for 3D Printers - 1.75mm Diameter - 600g

Product ID: 2475

Qty Discount
1-9 $49.95
10-99 $44.96
100+ $39.96


Having a 3D printer without filament is sort of like having a regular printer without paper or ink.  And while a lot of printers come with some filament there's a good chance you've been printing up a storm and need something new.  That's why we've started carrying a complete line of 3D printing filament in a variety of colors!

This PLA/PHA bambooFill blend 1.75mm 600g spool from colorFabb is a great material for 3D printers. This amazing one of a kind filament will allow you to print with actual recycled bamboo at home! Your prints will look absolutely amazing and your 3d printer cave will smell like a woodshop!

Tips: Start out with a bit rougher layers, 0.2 – 0.27mm (for 0.4mm nozzle) this will ensure that you’re printing with a decent amount of material flow. This is important because it will make sure the material isn’t spending too much time in the hot-zone of the 3D printer, which will degrade the polymer.

This filament has been tested successfully on a wide variety of printers, working well on both heated and non-heated build platforms. For those users printing on a cold build platform colorFabb advises applying blue painter's tape to the build area. For heated build platforms colorFabb used a temperature of 55-60°C which will keep the print sticking to the platform. It can be printed straight on glass or with a bit of gluestick applied to it. They've also printed it succesfully on kapton tape with the same temperature settings. Testing showed reliable results using the all metal hot-ends, such as the E3D and the Makerbot Replicator 2 hotend. Hotends which use a teflon isolator coupler can generate adhesion to the bamboo filament possibly leading to clogs and is there for not recommended for novice users yet.

Play video: #3DPrinting with Bamboo Wood Filament #Adafruit

Play video: New Products 4/29/2015

It's always a good idea to check what diameter and filament type your printers can handle before purchasing!

For more information on this specific filament check out colorFabb's website! And check out colorFabb's great learn system.

Technical Details

Please note: PLA/PHA filament cannot be used with New Matter MOD-t 3D printers.

  • Advised 3D printing temperature: 195-220°C
  • Advised 3D print speed: 40 - 100 mm/s
  • Advised Heated bed (if you have one, not strictly necessary): 50-60° C
  • Diameter Tolerance: ± 0.05mm
  • Glass Transition Temperature: 55°C

For those of you who want more information on the different types of 3D printing material, there's a great tutorial on our Learn System!

For product support, replacement parts and returns for colorFabb products visit the colorFabb FAQ or contact colorFabb directly.
