Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Starter Pack - Includes a Raspberry Pi 2

Product ID: 2380
Qty Discount
1-9 $99.95
10-99 $89.96
100+ $79.96


Why not trick out your fresh new board with some accessories? The Pi 2 is a big deal - a big, big deal.  It has an upgraded ARMv7 multicore procssor and a full Gigabyte of RAM - meaning you're going to see ~2x the performance on processor-upgrade only and 4x on average for mutliple-core procssors.  That's up to like 7.5x increase in speed without taking into account the 1 Gig of RAM.

Should you be excited? Yes.  Should you be so excited that you forget everything you need to get started? No.

We've hand chosen these accessories as the perfect accompaniment to your new Raspberry Pi 2 - Model B.  It's everything you need to get going with a high quality power supply, NOOBS 2.0 SD card (newly updated to work on the Pi 2), case, WiFi adapter, console cable, and lots of prototyping essentials. It's a great jumping off point for the rest of our extensive accessory and pack collection.

This pack comes with a single Raspberry Pi 2 Computer!

This pack contains:

Here's a good introduction to the Pi 2 and a few more learn guides that are worth checking out to start.  While they're for the Model B, they will all apply to the Raspberry Pi Model B+ and the Raspberry Pi 2.

Technical Details

Revision History:

  • As of July 30, 2018 this pack now comes with a 2.5A power supply instead of 2.4A.
  • As of March 8, 2018 this now comes with full PIXEL desktop NOOBS 2.4 instead of NOOBS 2.0!


An introduction to pipelines, redirection, and other such incantations in the shell.
A look at wildcards, aliases, custom scripts, and other force multipliers in the shell.
An exploration of standard IO, Unix filters, and simple graphics with Python and Pygame.
See All Guides

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