8mm Chromed Metal Wide Bevel LED Holder - Pack of 5

Product ID: 2173
Qty Discount
1-9 $5.95
10-99 $5.36
100+ $4.76


Discontinued - you can grab 8mm Plastic Bevel LED Holder - Pack of 5 instead! 

Keep your 8mm LEDs in place with these beautiful chromed metal LED holders. These are handy for projects using individual LEDs as they look sleek, and your LED won't budge. Slot the LED through the opening, cork it with the plastic end, and screw on the washer for a secure grip onto a flat surface

Please note, the plastic bits used to be press-fit in but now they're a tiny bit loose, you can dab a little hot glue to keep them in place.

We have LED holders in a bevy of sizes:

Comes as a pack of 5, and no LEDs are included.

And be sure to check out our extensive LEDs category!


Play video: New Products 11/12/2014


Technical Details

  • Outer Diameter: 10mm / 0.4"
  • Outer Beveled Diameter: 14mm / 0.55"
  • Length: 15mm / 0.6"
  • Length w/o Beveled End: 12mm / 0.5"
  • Weight (one, assembled): 6g