Teensy 3.1 + header

Product ID: 1625


Teensy 3.1 is a small, breadboard-friendly development board designed by Paul Stoffregen and PJRC. Teensy 3.1 brings a low-cost 32 bit ARM Cortex-M4 platform to hobbyists, students and engineers, using an adapted version of the Arduino IDE (Teensyduino) or programming directly in C language. Teensy 3.1 is an upgrade over 3.0: now with 64K of RAM, 256K of Flash, 5V tolerant digital inputs, 12 bit DAC, dual ADC, and CAN bus support. Teensy 3.1 is a drop-in replacement upgrade for 3.0 and can run any sketches designed for 3.0.

Based on a 32 bit ARM chip, Teensy 3.1 aims to greatly increase the computing capability and peripheral features, but maintain the same easy-to-use platform that has made Teensy 2.0 so successful.

Please note: Teensy 3 and 2 are not official Arduino-brand products. Although the Teensyduino IDE has been adapted so that many simple Arduino projects will work with the Teensy, there will still be a lot of libraries and shields that will not work with this device! If you're new to microcontrollers, we suggest going with a classic Arduino UNO since all Arduino projects, examples and libraries will work with it.

Once headers are installed they can be fitted into 0.6" wide sockets

Technical Specifications:

  • 32 bit ARM Cortex-M4 72MHz CPU (M4 = DSP extensions) Here is Freescale's reference manual for the chip (warning 1227 pages) as well as the Datasheet and User Guide!
  • 256K Flash Memory, 64K RAM, 2K EEPROM
  • 21* High Resolution Analog Inputs (13 bits usable, 16 bit hardware)
  • 34* Digital I/O Pins (21 shared with analog)
  • 12 PWM outputs
  • 1 12-bit DAC output
  • 8 Timers for intervals/delays, separate from PWM
  • USB with dedicated DMA memory transfers
  • CAN bus
  • 3 UARTs (serial ports)
  • SPI, I2C, I2S, IR modulator
  • I2S (for high quality audio interface)
  • Real Time Clock (with user-added 32.768 crystal and battery)
  • 16 general purpose DMA channels (separate from USB)
  • Touch Sensor Inputs

Information, documentation and specs are on the Teensy site. Please check it out for more details!

Play video: New Products 12/14/2013

Teensy 3.1 + header (7:07)

Technical Details

Dimensions: 1.4" x 0.7"

Teensy 3.1 schematic


Customize the display with your own GIF collection
Remote controlled display to brighten up any room
Turn video and high resolution GIFs into 32x32 pixel GIFs
Ride the express bus to the Uncanny Valley

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