Welcome LEGO fans! We looked around and couldn't find a LEGO set that was geared towards inspiring young girls (and boys) to see how much fun engineering can be. After some recent articles and other LEGO releases geared towards girls we decided to work with a well-known LEGO artist Bruce Lowell to create "Ladyada's Workshop" based on our own Ladyada who runs Adafruit.

Ladyada's workshop is a place where you explore all the cool things you build and use when you're an engineer! Computers, pick-and-place machine, laser cutter, soldering station and more! In Ladyada's workshop you can run your own open-source hardware electronics company, complete with Mosfet the cat.

We're documenting how you can make these on your own and we've entered the LEGO set in LEGO CUUSOO.

LEGO CUUSOO is a site where you can share LEGO set concepts you'd like the whole world to enjoy and aim for their eventual release as real products. If we can get 10,000 votes here ( LEGO will make it in to a real LEGO set. When we submitted the project to LEGO CUUSOO we granted permission for them to use, market and sell these if we get enough votes! So now it's up to you, if you want to celebrate art, design, science, engineering and open-source hardware place vote for "Ladyada's Workshop".

LEGO sculpture of Ladyada in her workshop, with a stack of metal shelves, a microscope, a table with a soldering set, laptop, and magnifying light, laser cutter, and pick and place machine. The adafruit logo is on the wall.

Close up of LEGO ladyada, the Adafruit logo, and Ladyada's cat MOSFET

LEGO ladyada in her workshop with cat MOSFET

Close up of the metal shelves, which are holding containers for electronic components

Close up of the microscope. There is a red fire extinguisher underneath the desk.

Close up of the laptop workstation. A laptop is on a desk with a soldering iron set to the left of it, and a magnifying light to the right. A black chair is slightly pushed away from the desk.

Close up of the laser cutter. The machine has a grey exterior with a tinted transparent viewing area, showing the LEGO laser inside

Close up of the pick and place machine. The exterior is grey with blue buttons

The full Adafruit logo in LEGO

The Adafruit flower logo in LEGO

LEGO build instructions for ladyada

LEGO build instructions for the Adafruit  Flower

Play video: Ladyada's LEGO Workshop