Assistive Technology

small electronics boards and christmas ornament against a pink snowy backdrop

Know someone who has trouble operating a conventional computer input device, like a mouse, keyboard, joystick, or game controller? You can create your own device that is adapted to a particular person's needs and capabilities. Do they need a mouse they can click with a foot pedal or that moves by tilting, or a customized keyboard with big buttons? Could they use an adapted video game controller with a special joystick and knee-operated buttons? Could they use a "sip-n-puff" device controlled by their breath, or a no-touch gesture sensor?

Adafruit's CircuitPython lets you emulate standard keyboards and mice, or create your own custom HID devices. You can also use Arduino. Nearly all our microcontroller boards support HID. You can use USB, and on those boards that support it, BLE Bluetooth. We also have many other items in our store that can be part of an assistive technology project. Some are listed here.

For ideas and success stories of DIY assistive technology, check out

Build an inexpensive Bluetooth device to give a disable user access to their iPad or iPhone
Circuit Python Keyboard emulation
Press the button to play sound!
3D printed foot switch USB controller
A ported pressure sensor
Need the teacher's attention? This solder-free project makes it easy!
How to add your own buttons, switches, and joysticks to the Microsoft Xbox Adaptive Controller
This assistive technology device combines infrared and Bluetooth control that can be operated with just 2 or 3 AT switches
Turn your Feather nRF52840 into a wireless BLE keyboard entry device
Easily make an expandable Sip and Puff using the ST LPS33 sensor, STM32F405 Feather, and CircuitPython
Control mouse and keyboard functions using standard Arduino API on TinyUSB and BLE boards.
Hide CIRCUITPY or the REPL. Add another serial port or new HID devices.
Frequent favorites at your fingertips
Create and use your own HID devices in Circuitpython