Adafruit Holiday Gift Guide: Bluefruit

Would you like to give the gift of powerful, easy-to-use Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity to your loved one? We spent years learning how to develop our own custom Bluetooth firmware, and coupled with our own BT module hardware, we’ve created the most Maker-friendly wireless you can get! So grab one of our Bluefruit devices for your favorite maker to add to their next awesome wireless IoT gadget! Happy Holidays! 

Popular Bluefruit Boards

Bluefruit Feather


A basic overview of key concepts for BLE
Learn how to use your iOS or Android device to control and communicate with Bluefruit LE.
Quickly get started with an Adafruit nRF52840 board using these CircuitPython demos!
Turn your Circuit Playground Bluefruit into a wireless BLE volume knob
Turn your Feather nRF52840 into a wireless BLE keyboard entry device
Send data from Bluetooth LE sensors to Adafruit IO with a Raspberry Pi bridge
Easily test all of your sensors on your Adafruit Bluetooth Device with this dashboard.