CircuitPython / FeatherWings

Take your CircuitPython skills to the next level with Adafruit Feather! These particular FeatherWings all have CircuitPython drivers ready to go, for fast and easy prototyping. Plug in or stack onto your CircuitPython-enabled Feather M0 Express and Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266 WiFi boards to add displays, sensors, lights, and more. The fun add-on options will only increase as we continue to add to our CircuitPython Feather family!

DC Motor + Stepper FeatherWing Add-on For All Feather Boards

Product ID: 2927
In stock

Adafruit Ultimate GPS FeatherWing

Product ID: 3133
42 in stock

NeoPixel FeatherWing - 4x8 RGB LED Add-on For All Feather Boards

Product ID: 2945
59 in stock

8-Channel PWM or Servo FeatherWing Add-on For All Feather Boards

Product ID: 2928
36 in stock

Adafruit Prop-Maker FeatherWing

Product ID: 3988
In stock

DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing - RTC Add-on For Feather Boards

Product ID: 3028
In stock

Adafruit FeatherWing OLED - 128x32 OLED Add-on For Feather

Product ID: 2900
In stock

Adafruit AirLift FeatherWing – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor

Product ID: 4264
77 in stock

Adafruit MIDI FeatherWing Kit

Product ID: 4740
In stock

Adafruit USB Host FeatherWing with MAX3421E

Product ID: 5858
In stock

Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment FeatherWing Display - Red

Product ID: 3108
17 in stock

Adafruit TFT FeatherWing - 3.5" 480x320 Touchscreen for Feathers - V2 with TSC2007

Product ID: 3651
40 in stock

Adafruit INA219 FeatherWing

Product ID: 3650
In stock

Adafruit LSM6DSOX + LIS3MDL FeatherWing - Precision 9-DoF IMU

Product ID: 4565
In stock

Assembled Adafruit Prop-Maker FeatherWing

Product ID: 4145
42 in stock

TFT FeatherWing - 2.4" 320x240 Touchscreen For All Feathers - V2

Product ID: 3315
In stock

NeoKey FeatherWing - Two Mechanical Key Switches with NeoPixels

Product ID: 4979
77 in stock

Adafruit CRICKIT FeatherWing for any Feather

Product ID: 3343
39 in stock

Adafruit 14-Segment Alphanumeric LED FeatherWing - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Product ID: 3089
In stock

Adafruit 2.13" HD Tri-Color eInk / ePaper Display FeatherWing - 250x122 RW Panel with SSD1680

Product ID: 4814
27 in stock

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing Display - Green

Product ID: 3129
38 in stock

Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment FeatherWing Display - Yellow

Product ID: 3110
21 in stock

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing Display - Blue

Product ID: 3128
16 in stock

Adafruit ADXL343 + ADT7410 Sensor FeatherWing

Product ID: 4147
67 in stock

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix FeatherWing - Warm White

Product ID: 3163
1 in stock

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing Display - White

Product ID: 3127
5 in stock

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing Display - Yellow

Product ID: 3131
18 in stock

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWing - Red

Product ID: 3134
60 in stock

Adafruit DotStar FeatherWing - 6 x 12 RGB LEDs

Product ID: 3449
41 in stock

Adafruit 0.8" 8x16 LED Matrix FeatherWing Display - Red

Product ID: 3152
10 in stock

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWing Yellow

Product ID: 3135
50 in stock

Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment Display w/ FeatherWing - White

Product ID: 3109
78 in stock

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWing - Green

Product ID: 3136
In stock

Adafruit 4-Digit 7-Segment LED Matrix Display FeatherWing - STEMMA QT

Product ID: 3088
57 in stock

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix FeatherWing - Cool White

Product ID: 3138
26 in stock

Adafruit AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera FeatherWing

Product ID: 3622
In stock

Adafruit 0.8" 8x16 LED Matrix FeatherWing Display Kit - Green

Product ID: 3151
52 in stock

Adafruit 0.8" 8x16 LED Matrix FeatherWing Display - Yellow-Green

Product ID: 3154
17 in stock

Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather Boards

Product ID: 2922

Adafruit TFT FeatherWing - 3.5" 480x320 Capacitive Touchscreen - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Product ID: 5872

Adafruit 2.13" Monochrome eInk / ePaper Display FeatherWing - 250x122 Monochrome with SSD1680

Product ID: 4195

Adafruit 2.9" Tri-Color eInk / ePaper Display FeatherWing - IL0373 - Red Black White

Product ID: 4778

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing Display - Red

Product ID: 3130

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWing - Blue

Product ID: 3137

Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment FeatherWing Display - Blue

Product ID: 3106

Adafruit 0.8" 8x16 Matrix FeatherWing Display Kit Various Colors

Product ID: 3155

Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWings

Product ID: 2965

Adafruit 2.9" Grayscale eInk / ePaper Display FeatherWing - 4 Level Grayscale

Product ID: 4777

Adafruit Prop-Maker FeatherWing - Without or Without Headers

Product ID: 4265

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing Display - Various

Product ID: 3139

Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment FeatherWing Display

Product ID: 3140

Adafruit FeatherWing OLED - 128x32 OLED Add-on For Feather - With or Without Headers

Product ID: 4091

Adafruit Mini Color TFT with Joystick FeatherWing

Product ID: 3321

LCD FeatherWing from Oddly Specific Objects

Product ID: 5581
1 in stock

Adafruit 0.54" Quad Alphanumeric FeatherWing - Yellow/Green

Product ID: 3132

Pimoroni Enviro + FeatherWing - PIM502

Product ID: 4674

Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment FeatherWing Display - Green

Product ID: 3107

Keyboard FeatherWing - QWERTY Keyboard + 2.6" LCD

Product ID: 4818

Adafruit 2.13" Tri-Color eInk / ePaper Display FeatherWing - 212 x 104 pixels - Z16 Panel wit

Product ID: 4128