3D Printing
Commonly referred to as a “rapid prototyping machine”, the 3D printer is part of a class of machines that use additive manufacturing technology to deposit layers of material in succession. This material can be anything that can be deposited in a controlled manner (i.e. plastics, metals, cupcake frosting,….) Utilizing a controller and software that converts a solid model into a series of vector movements or CNC(computer numerical control), the machine is capable of creating 3D objects, much like the Star Trek Replicator, except not as tasty. One of the prohibitive aspects of commercial 3D printers is the price, this is where MakerBot and the RepRap movement has made such an impact.
Skill Badge Qualification 3D Printer - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Skill Badge Qualification 3D Printer - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Laser Cutter
A laser cutter is a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine that uses a series of lenses attached to a XY gantry to redirect high power laser light onto the material its cutting. Unlike the 3D printer, most laser cutters are only capable of cutting in two dimensions. Laser cutters have a Z axis that is used for focusing the laser for varying thickness materials. The laser technology dictates that types and thicknesses of material you can cut, whether it is fabric or steel.
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet Laser cutter - Google Docs
Setup Procedure is for AutoCAD 2008 and the Epilog Helix 50
Adam Kemp
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet Laser cutter - Google Docs
Setup Procedure is for AutoCAD 2008 and the Epilog Helix 50
Adam Kemp
A Light Emiting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that produces light from an electrical charge. When the diode is forward-biased, or given power, electrons free photons in a process called electroluminescence. The color that is produced depends on the energy gap of the diodes semiconductor. Today, virtually all colors of the visible light spectrum, and even some UV and IR can be produced.
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet LEDs - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet LEDs - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Solar cells, or photovoltaics, are made out of photosensitive semiconductors that convert light energy into electricity in a process known as the photoelectric effect. This process describes the interaction between light energy and the materials that make up the individual cell. Depending on how the cell is configured, conversion efficiencies can exceed 30%!
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet Solar - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet Solar - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Integral to any electronics project, the multimeter provides a series of tools designed for electrical measurement. Although there are virtually unlimited types and brands of multimeters, they almost all include a standard set of tools.
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet Multimeters - Google Docs
Adam Kemp
Skill Badge Requirements Sheet Multimeters - Google Docs
Adam Kemp